Create Excel files in PHP

Excel spreadsheets are a vital tool for businesses and individuals alike when it comes to data management, analysis, and reporting. Creating and manipulating Excel files programmatically can be a common requirement in various web applications. In this blog post, we will explore how to create Excel files in PHP leveraging Aspose.Cells for PHP - a powerful and feature-rich library for Excel automation.

PHP Excel Library

Aspose.Cells for PHP is a robust PHP library that enables developers to create, manipulate, and convert Excel files programmatically. It offers a wide range of features, including the ability to generate Excel worksheets, format cells, insert charts, and perform advanced data analysis. With Aspose.Cells for PHP, you can automate Excel-related tasks within your PHP application.

You can download the library package from here.


The following are the prerequisites that you need to fulfill in order to use Aspose.Cells for PHP.

Once you have completed the prerequisites, follow the below steps to execute the example.php file for testing.

  1. Place file in the root folder of the library’s package that you have downloaded.
  2. Run JavaBridge.jar using the below commands in the command prompt:
    • cd aspose.cells

    • %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -Djava.ext.dirs=lib -jar JavaBridge.jar SERVLET_LOCAL:8080

  3. Run example.php from the library’s root folder using the below command:
    • php example.php

Create an Excel File in PHP

The following are some easy steps to create an Excel file in a PHP application.

The following code sample shows how to create an Excel XLSX file in PHP.

use aspose\cells;
// Create an object of workbook class
$workbook = new cells\Workbook();
// Access the worksheets
$sheets = $workbook->getWorksheets();
// Access the cells of desired worksheet
$cells = $sheets->get(0)->getCells();
// Insert value to the cell
$cells->get("A1")->putValue("Hello world!");
// Save the Excel file
$workbook->save("output.xlsx", cells\SaveFormat::XLSX);

Edit an Excel File in PHP

In the previous section, we created an Excel file from scratch. Now, let’s edit an existing Excel file and insert data into it.

The following are the steps to write data to an XLSX file using Aspose.Cells for PHP via Java.

The following code sample shows how to modify an Excel file in PHP.

// Create an object of workbook class to load Excel file
$workbook = new cells\Workbook("workbook.xlsx");
// Access the worksheets
$sheets = $workbook->getWorksheets();
// Access the cells of desired worksheet
$cells = $sheets->get(0)->getCells();
// Insert value to the cell
$cells->get("A1")->putValue("Hello world!");
// Save the Excel file

Add a Chart in an Excel File

The following are the steps to create charts in an Excel file using PHP.

The following code sample shows how to create charts in Excel files in PHP.

// Load the Excel file
$workbook = new Workbook("Book2.xlsx");
// Obtain the reference of the first worksheet
$worksheets = $workbook->getWorksheets();
$sheet = $worksheets->get(0);
// Add some sample value to cells
$cells = $sheet->getCells();
$cell = $cells->get("A1");
$cell = $cells->get("A2");
$cell = $cells->get("A3");
$cell = $cells->get("B1");
$cell = $cells->get("B2");
$cell = $cells->get("B3");
// Get charts in worksheet
$charts = $sheet->getCharts();
// Add a chart to the worksheet
$chartIndex = $charts->add(ChartType::PYRAMID, 5, 0, 15, 5);
$chart = $charts->get($chartIndex);
// Add NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1"
// cell to "B3"
$serieses = $chart->getNSeries();
$serieses->add("A1:B3", true);
// Write the Excel file

Add a Pivot Table in an Excel File in PHP

Pivot tables in Excel worksheets are used for adding filters to the data, computing totals, summarizing data, etc. Pivot tables can be created using the range of the cells in the worksheet. The following are the steps to create a pivot table in an Excel worksheet using PHP.

The following code sample shows how to create a pivot table in Excel using PHP.

// Load document to be converted
$workbook = new Workbook("Book2.xlsx");
// Obtain the reference of the first worksheet
$worksheets = $workbook->getWorksheets();
$sheet = $worksheets->get(0);
// Add some sample value to cells
$cells = $sheet->getCells();
$cell = $cells->get("B1");
$cell = $cells->get("C1");
$cell = $cells->get("A2");
$cell = $cells->get("A3");
$cell = $cells->get("A4");
$cell = $cells->get("A5");
$cell = $cells->get("A6");
$cell = $cells->get("A7");
$cell = $cells->get("A8");
$cell = $cells->get("B2");
$cell = $cells->get("B3");
$cell = $cells->get("B4");
$cell = $cells->get("B5");
$cell = $cells->get("B6");
$cell = $cells->get("B7");
$cell = $cells->get("B8");
$cell = $cells->get("C2");
$cell = $cells->get("C3");
$cell = $cells->get("C4");
$cell = $cells->get("C5");
$cell = $cells->get("C6");
$cell = $cells->get("C7");
$cell = $cells->get("C8");
// Get pivot tables
$pivotTables = $sheet->getPivotTables();
// Add a PivotTable to the worksheet
$index = $pivotTables->add("=A1:C8", "E3", "PivotTable2");
// Access the instance of the newly added PivotTable
$pivotTable = $pivotTables->get($index);
// Unshow grand totals for rows
// Drag the first field to the row area
$pivotTable->addFieldToArea(PivotFieldType::ROW, 0);
// Drag the second field to the column area
$pivotTable->addFieldToArea(PivotFieldType::COLUMN, 1);
// Drag the third field to the data area
$pivotTable->addFieldToArea(PivotFieldType::DATA, 2);
// Write the Excel file

Online Excel Editor

We also provide an online Excel editor for you to create and edit Excel files. You can use this powerful spreadsheet editor without creating an account.

Get Free PHP Excel Library

You can create Excel files in PHP for free without evaluation limitations using a free temporary license.


Aspose.Cells for PHP is a powerful library that simplifies Excel file generation and manipulation in PHP applications. In this blog post, we’ve covered the basics of creating Excel files and adding charts and table using Aspose.Cells for PHP. Furthermore, you have seen how to write data to an existing Excel file.

This library offers numerous advanced features, such as performing numerical operations, data analysis, and Excel file conversion, making it a versatile choice for any PHP project that involves Excel automation. To explore further, refer to the official Aspose documentation. In case you would have any questions, feel free to let us know via our forum.

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