You will be excited to know that Aspose.HTML API now supports Font Kerning. It will notably improve the quality of text rendering. In a nutshell, Kerning is the contextual adjustment of inter-glyph spacing. It is used to adjust the spacing between characters and is supported by many fonts. We have also implemented emulation of bold fonts which is useful in scenarios when some font is not available on a machine.
Moreover, we have improved the processing of HTML document modes which enables the document to work better in limited-quirks mode. Some other improvements pertaining to MHT and XPS rendering have also been made in this release. Image rendering is one of the most widely used feature of Aspose.HTML API. We have further improved image rendering by changing the behaviour of text rendering methods. Information about rendered characters is now utilized and each character’s position is determined to ensure correct rendering.
A closer overview of this release can be found in Release Notes and working examples can be found in Example Project. We value and appreciate your feedback that helps us to keep improving the API, so your feedback and suggestions are welcome in Aspose.HTML forum.