Read Barcode from TIFF in C#

TIFF images are commonly used to save multiple barcodes in a single file. In certain scenarios, you may need to read different barcodes from a TIFF file. Following such requirements, this article covers how to read different types of barcodes from a TIFF image programmatically in C#.

Scan Barcode From TIFF Image - C# API Download

Aspose.BarCode for .NET has the ability to scan or create different types of barcodes like Aztec, Swiss post, etc. You can easily set-up the API by downloading the reference DLL file from the Downloads page or using the NuGet installation command below:

PM> Install-Package Aspose.BarCode

How to Read Barcode From TIFF Images in C#

You need to follow the steps below to read barcodes from a TIFF image:

  1. Load the source TIFF image.
  2. Get the frame count and iterate each frame.
  3. Write the active TIFF frame to a stream.
  4. Recognize each barcode in the TIFF image.

Read Barcode From TIFF Image Programmatically in C#

The following steps demonstrate how to read barcode from a multi-page TIFF image in C#:

  1. Load the source TIFF image using the Image class.
  2. Get the frame count and iterate each frame.
  3. Write the active TIFF frame to a stream.
  4. Recognize barcodes using BarCodeReader class.

The following code snippet shows how to recognize barcodes from a multi-page TIFF image programmatically in C#:

// Open the required TIFF image
using (System.Drawing.Image tiffImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(dataDir + "MultiPageTiffWithBarcodes.tiff"))
// Get the frame count
int tiffFrameCount = tiffImage.GetFrameCount(System.Drawing.Imaging.FrameDimension.Page);
// Process each tiff frame
for (int i = 0; i < tiffFrameCount; i++)
// Select an active frame
tiffImage.SelectActiveFrame(System.Drawing.Imaging.FrameDimension.Page, i);
// Save the TIFF frame to the stream as PNG
System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
tiffImage.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
ms.Position = 0;
// Recognize PDF417, QR Code, Data Matrix, and Aztec barcode types from the rendered image of the page
BarCodeRecognition.BarCodeReader reader = new BarCodeRecognition.BarCodeReader(ms, BarCodeRecognition.DecodeType.Pdf417, BarCodeRecognition.DecodeType.QR, BarCodeRecognition.DecodeType.DataMatrix, BarCodeRecognition.DecodeType.Aztec);
foreach (BarCodeRecognition.BarCodeResult result in reader.ReadBarCodes())
System.Console.WriteLine($"Barcode type:{result.CodeTypeName}, Barcode Data:{result.CodeText}");

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In this article, you have explored how to read barcode images from a multi-page TIFF image programmatically in C#. It can scan different types of barcodes like PDF417, QR Code, Data Matrix, Aztec, etc. Furthermore, you can explore many other features of the API under the documentation space. In case you want to discuss any of your query, please write to us at forum.

See Also