Add Image Callouts in Java | Callout Images in Java

Callouts in images highlight key details that make the visuals more informative and engaging. Whether you’re labeling a part of a diagram or highlighting important sections of a graphic, adding callouts can enhance clarity. This lets you draw attention to specific points in an image with ease. In this article, you will learn how to add image callouts in Java. Adding callouts programmatically becomes a powerful tool for enhancing image clarity and automation.

This article covers the following topics:

  1. Java API to Add Image Callouts
  2. Add Image Callouts in Java
  3. Free Resources

Java API to Add Image Callouts

Aspose.Drawing for Java is a powerful library for adding image callouts programmatically. It allows you to create and edit graphics with ease. Aspose.Drawing for Java enables you to draw shapes, lines, and text directly on images. Let’s explore how to use this library to add image callouts in your Java applications efficiently.

Please download the JAR of the API or add the following pom.xml configuration in a Maven-based Java application.

        <name>Aspose Java API</name>

Add Callouts to Images in Java

Please follow these simple steps to add callouts to images programmatically:

  1. Load the image using the Image.fromFile() method.
  2. Create a Graphics object using the fromImage() method.
  3. Initialize a Pen class object with the desired color and size to draw the callouts.
  4. Define the position for the callout element with the specified color and size.
  5. Use the drawString() method to write text.
  6. Save the output image using the save() method.

The code sample below demonstrates how to add callouts to an image in Java.

import com.aspose.drawing.Color;
import com.aspose.drawing.Font;
import com.aspose.drawing.FontStyle;
import com.aspose.drawing.Graphics;
import com.aspose.drawing.GraphicsUnit;
import com.aspose.drawing.Image;
import com.aspose.drawing.Pen;
import com.aspose.drawing.PointF;
import com.aspose.drawing.RectangleF;
import com.aspose.drawing.SizeF;
import com.aspose.drawing.SolidBrush;
import com.aspose.drawing.text.TextRenderingHint;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Load an image
Image image = Image.fromFile("gears.png");
Graphics graphics = Graphics.fromImage(image);
drawCallOut(graphics, new PointF(107, 55), new PointF(179, 5), 74, "mm");
drawCallOut(graphics, new PointF(111, 146), new PointF(29, 180), 28, "mm");"gears_callout.jpg");
private static void drawCallOut(Graphics graphic, PointF startAnchor, PointF endAnchor, int value, String unit)
Pen pen = new Pen(Color.getRed(), 1);
Font font = new Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Bold);
String outputValue = value + " " + unit;
SizeF textSize = graphic.measureString(outputValue, font);
int diameterSymbolSize = 12;
int spaceSize = 3;
textSize.setWidth(textSize.getWidth() + diameterSymbolSize + spaceSize);
float callOutMiddleX = endAnchor.getX() > startAnchor.getX() ? endAnchor.getX() - textSize.getWidth() : endAnchor.getX() + textSize.getWidth();
float callOutMiddleY = endAnchor.getY() > startAnchor.getY() ? endAnchor.getY() - textSize.getHeight() : endAnchor.getY() + textSize.getHeight();
graphic.drawLine(pen, startAnchor.getX(), startAnchor.getY(), callOutMiddleX, callOutMiddleY);
float textAnchorX = Math.min(callOutMiddleX, endAnchor.getX());
float textAnchorY = callOutMiddleY;
graphic.drawLine(pen, callOutMiddleX, callOutMiddleY,
textAnchorX == callOutMiddleX ? textAnchorX + textSize.getWidth() : textAnchorX,
graphic.drawEllipse(pen, new RectangleF((int)textAnchorX + spaceSize,
(int)(textAnchorY - textSize.getHeight()) + spaceSize, 10, 10));
graphic.drawLine(pen, (int)textAnchorX + 1, (int)textAnchorY - 1,
(int)textAnchorX + diameterSymbolSize + 2,
(int)textAnchorY - diameterSymbolSize - 2);
SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.getBlue());
graphic.drawString(outputValue, font, brush, (int)textAnchorX + diameterSymbolSize + spaceSize,
(int)(textAnchorY - textSize.getHeight()));
Add Callouts to Images in Java

Add Callouts to Images in Java

Image Callouts – Free Resources

Explore various features of the library beyond adding callouts to photos and images using the resources below:

Get a free temporary license to experience the full power of Aspose.Drawing for Java without limitations. This allows you to evaluate the library’s features and capabilities before deciding to purchase.


In this post, we have learned how to add image callouts in Java. Adding image callouts enhances your visuals by highlighting key details. Follow the outlined steps and use the provided code example to easily draw attention to key elements in your images. In case of any ambiguity, please feel free to contact us on our free support forum.

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