Convert SHP to SVG in C#

SHP files contain the geometry of a feature which is a set of vector coordinates. While the SVG files contain visual information. Sometimes you may need to render an SHP file to SVG Scalable Vector Graphics images. Following such requirements, this article covers how to convert an SHP file to SVG format programmatically in C#.

  1. SHP to SVG Converter - C# API Installation
  2. How to Convert an SHP Shapefile to SVG Format in C#
  3. Convert SHP to SVG Image Programmatically in C#

SHP to SVG Converter - C# API Installation

Aspose.GIS for .NET API can be used to manipulate or convert different geographical file formats. Integrating the API in your applications is simple as you can easily download the DLL files from the New Releases page or run the NuGet installation command below:

PM> Install-Package Aspose.GIS

How to Convert an SHP Shapefile to SVG Format in C#

The steps below elaborate on how to convert an SHP shapefile to SVG image format:

  1. Create a map of specified dimensions.
  2. Use the specified spatial reference system.
  3. Use the specified style to draw lines.
  4. Open a layer and add to the map.
  5. Render the map in SVG format with the Render method.

The next heading covers in-depth details of the conversion along with a code snippet.

Convert SHP to SVG Programmatically in C#

Please follow the steps below to convert SHP to SVG format:

  1. Create a Map of specified dimensions.
  2. Use the specified spatial reference system.
  3. Use the specified style to draw lines.
  4. Open a layer and add to the map.
  5. Render the map in SVG format with the Render method.

The code snippet below elaborates on how to convert SHP to SVG programmatically in C#.

// Create a map
using (var map = new Aspose.Gis.Rendering.Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = Aspose.Gis.SpatialReferencing.SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new Aspose.Gis.Rendering.Symbolizers.SimpleLine() { Width = Aspose.Gis.Rendering.Measurement.Pixels(2) };
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(Aspose.Gis.VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "land.shp", Aspose.Gis.Drivers.Shapefile), symbolizer);
// Render the map to Svg format
map.Render(dataDir + "land_out.svg", Aspose.Gis.Rendering.Renderers.Svg);

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In this article, you have learned how to convert an SHP Shapefile file to SVG in C#. Besides, the API contains many other features to work with GIS files that you can explore in the documentation space. In case of any ambiguities or inquiries, please feel free to contact us at forum.