Compare Text in Images in C#

In today’s digital age, we often come across situations where we need to extract and compare text from images. This task can be particularly challenging when dealing with large volumes of images or low-quality images. In this blog post, we will learn how to compare text in images using C#. We will cover the best practices for implementing Aspose.OCR for .NET, a powerful OCR engine that can extract text from images with high accuracy.

The following topics will be covered in this article:

  1. C# OCR API to Compare Text in Images
  2. Compare Text in Images using C#
  3. Get Images Text Similarity in C#

C# OCR API to Compare Text in Images

For comparing text in two different images, we will use Aspose.OCR for .NET API. It is a powerful Optical Character Recognition (OCR) engine that enables developers to extract text from images with high accuracy. It can compare texts on two images, regardless of font, text size, case, style, and color. With its advanced image processing algorithms, Aspose.OCR for .NET can recognize and extract text from a variety of image formats, including TIFF, PNG, JPG, and BMP. This makes it an ideal tool for automating tasks such as document digitization, data entry, and invoice processing.

Please either download the DLL of the API or install it using NuGet.

PM> Install-Package Aspose.OCR

Compare Text in Images using C#

We can compare text in two images programmatically by following the steps below:

  1. Create an instance of the AsposeOcr class.
  2. Initialize a RecognitionSettings class object.
  3. Call the CompareImageTexts() method to check if two images contain the same text.
  4. Finally, show the results.

The following sample code shows how to compare text in images using C#.

using Aspose.OCR;
// Initialize OCR Engine
AsposeOcr recognitionEngine = new AsposeOcr();
// Create an instance of RecognitionSettings
RecognitionSettings recognitionSettings = new RecognitionSettings();
// Images paths
var image1 = "C:\\Files\\sample1.jpg";
var image2 = "C:\\Files\\sample2.jpg";
// Check if two images contain the same text.
var result = recognitionEngine.CompareImageTexts(image1, image2, recognitionSettings, true);
// True if images have the same text (90% similarity).
if (result == true)
Console.WriteLine("Images contain the same text");
Compare Text in Images using C#

Compare Text in Images using C#


Images contain the same text

Get Images Text Similarity in C#

We can compare text in two images programmatically and get the images’ text similarity percentage by following the steps below:

  1. Create an instance of the AsposeOcr class.
  2. Initialize an object of the RecognitionSettings class.
  3. Call the ImageTextDiff() method. It takes the path to images and a RecognitionSettings object as arguments.
  4. Finally, show the results.

The following sample code shows how to get a similarity percentage between text in images while comparing text in images using C#.

using Aspose.OCR;
// Initialize OCR Engine
AsposeOcr recognitionEngine = new AsposeOcr();
// Create an instance of RecognitionSettings
RecognitionSettings recognitionSettings = new RecognitionSettings();
// Images paths
var image1 = "C:\\Files\\sample1.jpg";
var image2 = "C:\\Files\\sample3.jpg";
// Calculate percentage of similarity between texts
float distance = recognitionEngine.ImageTextDiff(image1, image2, recognitionSettings, true);
Console.WriteLine($"The image texts are {distance * 100}% similar");
Get Images Text Similarity in C#

Get Images Text Similarity in C#


The image texts are 14.161849% similar

Get a Free License

You can get a free temporary license to use the Aspose.OCR library. It is completely free to evaluate and explore its features.


In this article, we learned how to compare text in images using C#. We have also seen how to calculate text similarity programmatically. Besides, you can learn more about the Aspose.OCR for .NET API using documentation. In case of any ambiguity, please contact us on our free support forum.

See Also