Work with VBA Macros in Word Documents using Python

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a powerful programming language that lets you automate tasks in Word documents. Moreover, you can perform repetitive tasks with VBA macros quite easily. In this article, you will learn how to work with VBA projects and modules in MS Word documents. Particularly, the article will cover how to create, modify and clone VBA macros programmatically in Python.

Python Library to Work with MS Word VBA Macros

To work with VBA Macros in Word files, we will use Aspose.Words for Python. It is a powerful library for creating and manipulating Word documents from within Python applications. You can install the library in your application from PyPI using the following pip command.

pip install aspose-words

Create VBA Macro in an MS Word Document in Python

The following are the steps to create a VBA macro in an MS Word DOCM file using Python.

  • Load the Word document or create a new one using Document class.
  • Create an object of VbaProject class.
  • Set name of the project using property.
  • Assign project to Document.vba_project property.
  • Create an object of VbaModule class.
  • Set name and type of module using and VbaModule.type properties, respectively.
  • Set source code using VbaModule.source_code property.
  • Add module to the VBA project of the document using Document.vba_project.modules.add(VbaModule) method.
  • Save the document using method.

The following code sample shows how to create a VBA macro in a DOCM document using Python.

import aspose.words as aw
# Load Word document.
doc = aw.Document("document.docm")
# Create VBA project
project = aw.vba.VbaProject() = "AsposeProject"
doc.vba_project = project
# Create a new module and specify a macro source code.
module = aw.vba.VbaModule() = "AsposeModule"
module.type = aw.vba.VbaModuleType.PROCEDURAL_MODULE
module.source_code = "New source code"
# Add module to the VBA project.
# Save document."create_vba_project.docm")

Modify VBA Macro in a Word Document in Python

You can also access and modify the existing VBA macros in Word documents seamlessly. The following steps demonstrate how to achieve this using Aspose.Words for Python.

  • Load the Word document using Document class.
  • Get reference of the VbaProject into an object using Document.vba_project property.
  • Access the desired VBA module using index and update its source code using VbaProject.modules[int].source_code property.
  • Save the document using method.

The following code sample shows how to modify an existing MS Word VBA macro using Python.

import aspose.words as aw
# Load Word document.
doc = aw.Document("document.docm")
# Get reference of VBA project.
project = doc.vba_project
# Update source code.
newSourceCode = "Test change source code"
project.modules[0].source_code = newSourceCode
# Save document."modify_vba_macros.docm")

Clone VBA Macro in a Word Document using Python

In certain cases, you may need to clone a VBA module or the whole VBA project from one Word document to another. To achieve this, Aspose.Words for Python allows you to create clones quite easily. The following sections cover how to clone a VBA module or a VBA project.

Clone a VBA Module

The following are the steps to create a clone of a VBA module from one DOCM document to another using Python.

  • Load the source Word document using Document class.
  • Load the destination Word document using Document class.
  • Create a VbaProject for destination Word document.
  • Get clone of VBA module from source Word document into an object using Document.vba_project.modules.get_by_name(string).clone() method.
  • Add the cloned module into destination document using Document.vba_project.modules.add(VbaModule) method.
  • Save the destination document using method.

The following code sample shows how to clone an MS Word VBA module in Python.

import aspose.words as aw
# Load source Word document.
doc = aw.Document("document.docm")
# Load destination Word document.
destDoc = aw.Document("dest_document.docm")
destDoc.vba_project = aw.vba.VbaProject()
# Clone VBA module.
copyModule = doc.vba_project.modules.get_by_name("Module1").clone()
# Save document."clone_vba_module.docm")

Clone a VBA Project

The following are the steps to clone an MS Word VBA project in Python.

  • Load the source Word document using Document class.
  • Load the destination Word document using Document class.
  • Get clone of VBA project from source document using Document.vba_project.clone() method and add it to destination document using Document.vba_project property.
  • Save the destination document using method.

The following code sample shows how to clone a VBA project from one Word document to another in Python.

import aspose.words as aw
# Load source Word document.
doc = aw.Document("document.docm")
# Load destination Word document.
destDoc = aw.Document("dest_document.docm")
# Clone VBA project.
destDoc.vba_project = doc.vba_project.clone()
# Save document."clone_vba_module.docm")

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In this article, you have learned how to create VBA macros in MS Word documents using Python. Moreover, you have seen how to modify or clone existing VBA modules or projects programmatically. In addition, you can explore other features of Aspose.Words for Python using the documentation. In case you would have any questions, feel free to let us know via our forum.

See Also

Info: If you ever need to get a Word document from a PowerPoint presentation, you can use Aspose Presentation to Word Document converter.