Present Message Content in HTML

For developers building email communication apps, email rendering is essential for ensuring that the emails sent through the app are displayed correctly and consistently across different email clients, devices, and settings. To perform this task effectively, Aspose.Email for .NET offers versatile functionality for formatting and customizing email content in HTML format. In this post, we explore how to present email content in HTML format with C# code samples including a variety of customization options for its proper display in various email clients or a browser.

C# API to Render Email in HTML

The API, we are going to use for rendering .eml or .msg messages to HTML format, is a part of a comprehensive library that provides developers with powerful tools for creating, manipulating, and rendering email messages in .NET applications. Aspose.Email for .NET empowers developers to efficiently handle various email-related tasks within their C# applications, making it a valuable resource for email processing needs.

To start utilizing the library, you need to integrate it into your project. You can easily obtain it by downloading from the Aspose website or by using NuGet.

Basic Email Rendering

Let’s start with a basic example of rendering an email in HTML format using C#. This snippet demonstrates how to load an email message from a file, specify HTML formatting options, and save the message in HTML format.

  1. Create an instance of HtmlSaveOptions to specify formatting preferences. The HtmlFormatOptions.WriteHeader ensures that headers are included in the output HTML file.
  2. Load an email message from a file using MailMessage.Load.
  3. Finally, save the message in HTML format using the Save method.
var options = new HtmlSaveOptions
HtmlFormatOptions = HtmlFormatOptions.WriteHeader
var msg = MailMessage.Load(fileName);
msg.Save(outFileName, options);

As a result, the message HTML content will look like this:

Basic Email Rendering

Customizing Header Display

Next, let’s explore how to customize the display of email headers. The following code sample demonstrates how to remove specific headers, such as the subject, before rendering the email in HTML format.

var options = new HtmlSaveOptions
HtmlFormatOptions = HtmlFormatOptions.WriteHeader
var msg = MailMessage.Load(fileName);
msg.Save(outFileName, options);

Here, we modify the RenderingHeaders collection of HtmlSaveOptions to exclude the subject header from the rendered HTML output.

Exclude the Subject Header

Formatting Date and Time

Timestamps often require formatting for clarity and consistency. The following code sample demonstrates how to customize the date and time format before rendering the email in HTML format.

var options = new HtmlSaveOptions
HtmlFormatOptions = HtmlFormatOptions.WriteHeader,
FormatTemplates =
[MhtTemplateName.DateTime] = "ddd, d MMM yyyy hh:mm"
var msg = MailMessage.Load(fileName);
msg.Save(outFileName, options);

By specifying a custom date and time format using the FormatTemplates property, we ensure that timestamps are presented in a user-friendly manner.

Customize Date and Time

Localization and Translation

Localization is essential for ensuring that email field names are accessible to a global audience. This example demonstrates how to localize email header names by replacing standard terms with translated equivalents.

var options = new HtmlSaveOptions
HtmlFormatOptions = HtmlFormatOptions.WriteHeader
options.FormatTemplates[MhtTemplateName.From] = options.FormatTemplates[MhtTemplateName.From].Replace("From:", "De :");
options.FormatTemplates[MhtTemplateName.Sent] = options.FormatTemplates[MhtTemplateName.Sent].Replace("Sent:", "Envoyé :");
var msg = MailMessage.Load(fileName);
msg.Save(outFileName, options);

Here, we replace English header labels with their French equivalents, catering to a French-speaking audience.

Customize Field Names

Styling Email Content

Styling plays a crucial role in enhancing the visual appeal of email content. The code sample below demonstrates how to apply custom CSS styles to email content before rendering it in HTML format.

var options = new HtmlSaveOptions
HtmlFormatOptions = HtmlFormatOptions.WriteHeader
int index = options.CssStyles.IndexOf("</style>");
options.CssStyles = options.CssStyles.Insert(index, @"
var msg = MailMessage.Load(fileName);
msg.Save(outFileName, options);

By inserting custom CSS rules into the HTML output, we can enhance the aesthetics and branding of email messages.

Apply Custom CSS Styles

Advanced Formatting Techniques

Finally, let’s explore advanced formatting techniques for email rendering. The code sample demonstrates how to define a custom table layout for displaying email headers in HTML format.

var options = new HtmlSaveOptions
HtmlFormatOptions = HtmlFormatOptions.WriteHeader,
BeforeHeadersFormat = "<table style=\"width: 800px; background-color: #dddddd\">",
DefaultHeaderFormat = "<tr><td style=\"vertical-align: top; width:150px\"><b>{0}:</b></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; width:150px\">{{0}}</td></tr>",
AfterHeadersFormat = "</table>"
var msg = MailMessage.Load(fileName);
msg.Save(outFileName, options);

By defining custom HTML markup for the header section, including a table layout, we can create visually compelling email templates.


In this tutorial, we’ve explored how to render email content in HTML format using Aspose.Email for .NET. This tool ensures emails display correctly across various clients and devices, a crucial task for developers building email communication applications. We began with basic email rendering, demonstrating how to load and save emails in HTML format. We then customized headers, such as removing the subject line, and formatted timestamps for clarity and consistency.

Localization and translation were covered, showing how to replace standard email field names with localized versions to cater to global audiences. Custom CSS styles were applied to enhance the visual appeal of emails, ensuring they are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Lastly, we looked at advanced formatting techniques, including defining custom HTML layouts for email headers to create visually compelling templates. These techniques enable developers to produce highly customized and professional email content using Aspose.Email for .NET.

With Aspose.Email for .NET, developers can efficiently manage a wide range of email processing needs, ensuring their applications deliver a seamless and polished email experience to users.

For additional support and resources, Aspose provides comprehensive documentation, an extensive API reference, and a variety of free online tools and apps to enhance your development process. Developers can also access a free support forum for community assistance and insights, and stay updated with the latest tips and tutorials through the Aspose blog. These resources are invaluable for maximizing the potential of Aspose.Email for .NET in your projects.

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