Convert PostScript to JPEG in Java - PS to JPEG Converter

Whether it is a desktop or a web browser, you need third-party software to open PostScript files. On the other hand, you can view JPEG/JPG images easily in almost all popular operating systems such as Windows, macOS, or Linux. Aspose.Page for Java comes with a solution to this problem. It has exposed classes and methods that help developers build a PS to JPEG converter. However, we will go through the implementation and write a code snippet that converts PostScript to JPEG in Java programmatically. So, do not miss any section and read this article thoroughly.

We will cover the following points:

  1. Image Processing Service - API Installation
  2. Convert PostScript to JPEG in Java
  3. Convert PS File to JPEG Online

Image Processing Service - API Installation

The installation of this Java API would not take much time as it is quite easy to install. There is a huge stack of features that can be leveraged to develop a PS to JPEG converter for a business application. So, there are two ways to install this library, you can download this JAR file or you can use the following Maven configurations:

         <name>Aspose Java API</name>

Please follow this guide in case you find any hassle in the installation.

image processing service

Convert PostScript to JPEG in Java

So far, we have completed the installation of this image processing service. Now, we will head to writing a few lines of source code to achieve PS to JPEG/JPG conversion. For that purpose, we have a source PS file that will be used for this conversion.

The following steps show how to convert PostScript to JPEG programmatically:

  • The ImageFormat is set to JPEG.
  • Instantiate PostScript input stream by initializing an object of the FileInputStream class.
  • Create an instance of the PsDocument class and initialize it with the PostScript input stream.
  • If you want to convert a Postscript file despite minor errors set this suppressErrors flag.
  • Initialize a new instance of the ImageSaveOptions class with the suppressErrors parameter.
  • Create an object of the ImageDevice class that encapsulates document rendering to the image.
  • Invoke the save method to save the JPG file on the disk.
  • Get the resulting images in bytes by calling the getImagesBytes method.
  • Create an output stream by initializing an instance of the FileOutputStream class with the output image path.

You can copy & paste the following code snippet for PS to JPEG conversion in Java:

package com.example;
import com.aspose.eps.ImageFormat;
import com.aspose.eps.PsDocument;
import com.aspose.eps.device.ImageSaveOptions;
public class Main {
// Convert PostScript to JPEG in Java - PS to JPG Converter
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Create an instance of the PsDocument class from the PostScript file.
PsDocument document = new PsDocument("");
// If you want to convert Postscript file despite of minor errors set this flag
boolean suppressErrors = true;
// Initialize a new instance of ImageSaveOptions class with suppressErrors parameter and output image format.
ImageSaveOptions options = new ImageSaveOptions(suppressErrors, ImageFormat.JPEG);
// Save PS as JPEG images bytes array, one byte array for one page of input documen.
byte[][] imagesBytes = document.saveAsImage(options);
int i = 0;
for (byte [] imageBytes : imagesBytes) {
String imagePath = "PSToImage" + i + "." + imageFormat.toString().toLowerCase();
// Create output stream by initializing an instance of the FileOutputStream class with the output image path.
FileOutputStream fs = new FileOutputStream(imagePath);
try {
fs.write(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.length);
} catch (IOException ex) {
} finally {
//Review errors
if (suppressErrors) {
for (Exception ex : options.getExceptions()) {

Once you run the server file, you will see a new JPEG file generated at the output address. However, you can see the output in the image below:

convert PostScript to JPEG

Convert PS File to JPEG Online

Moreover, you can opt for an online tool to convert PS file to JPEG online. This PS to JPEG converter is web-based and is powered by Aspose.Page. In addition, there are multiple options to upload the source PS file and the user interface is quite user-friendly. Above all, it is free and requires no subscription or account creation.

PS file to JPEG online

PS to JPEG Converter - Get a Free License

You can avail a free temporary license to try this image processing library evaluation without limitations.


We are ending this blog post here with the hope you have learned how to convert PostScript to JPEG in Java. Further, we also have gone through the implementation of building a PS to JPEG converter. This guide is for you if you want to use this image processing service to automate the PS to JPEG/JPG conversion. So, do not forget to visit the documentation, API references and GitHub repo to explore further.

Also, we recommend you visit the Getting Started Guide.

Finally, is writing new articles. So, please stay in touch for regular updates.

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Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

How do I convert a PostScript file to JPG?

You can opt for Aspose.Page to convert PS to JPEG in multiple programming languages such as Java, C# and C++. Please visit this link to learn more.

How do I convert a Postscript file?

This online tool lets you convert PS file to JPEG online. It is free and you can use it without creating an account.

See Also